As R. Gaines Baty Associates (RGBA) celebrates over 40 years of retained executive search success and America celebrates its independence, we’re pleased to announce that RGBA has been named among Forbes “America’s Best Executive Recruiting Firms” in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
Forbes, in partnership with research and analytics firm Statista, conducted nationwide online surveys of over 30,000 qualified hiring managers, HR leaders, recruiters and candidates to identify, rate and, ultimately, rank the top U.S. search firms (filling $100K+ positions), based on their personal and professional experiences with those firms. The number of recommendations each firm received by Forbes/Statista, and their weighted “quality” scores, as well as further research and reviews, has brought R. Gaines Baty Associates further into the public’s awareness. This boutique search firm, which offers personalized, prioritized, “trusted partner” service to clients, has been ranked in Forbes top 55, selected from over 30,000 competitive search firms around the country.
Through focused, high impact “team” and individual searches, R. Gaines Baty has transformed emerging, mid-market and Fortune-ranked business outcomes across America, enabling clients to meet today’s business demands and prepare for the future. RGBA recruits the “best of the best” for unique and challenging strategic roles. Whether your business is flourishing today, or seeking a successful pivot, R. Gaines Baty Associates can help.
Contact us at 972.386.7900 ext. 224 for more information.