Complimentary Support Services

Helping Employers and Laid-off Executives during COVID-19 Crisis

In the event that your business has been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, we’d like to offer a helping hand, pro-bono, to those materially affected.  Although we are not able to manufacture ventilators or masks, we can pitch-in by offering complimentary one-hour job search/career planning webinars (CLICK HERE for example) to assist executives who’ve been laid-off or furloughed recently.  These job search/career planning webinars are designed for groups of five (5) or more; however, if your group is smaller, we’ll do our best to accommodate you. 

RGBA is also temporarily assisting employers, pro-bono, with effective business strategies including:

                                  • Succession planning/assessment
                                  • Growth and sales initiatives
                                  • Talent upgrade and alignment
                                  • Compensation comparisons
                                  • And other value-added support services.

Please contact us immediately if you, your organization (or others), and/or former employees might benefit from any of these free services while they are available.

Key contact:  Gaines Baty – 972.386.7900 ext. 224 / SEND EMAIL.

We’re navigating these rough waters together;

and, together, we will reach our destination safely!